Maldon Oral History
Memories of Maldon - a unique oral history collection
Glimpses into the lives of Maldon residents over the last 70+ years
To capture the memories of Maldon residents for the benefit of future generations, the Maldon Society has established an oral history archive, ‘Memories of Maldon'.
Two members of the Maldon Society have been recording the memories and stories of local men and women who have lived all, or most of, their lives in Maldon. This is a wonderful compilation of recollections spanning the years from the 1930s onwards.
Subjects covered include barges, fishing in the Blackwater, local industries, home life, the High Street, jobs, and war time. There are stories about boat building and sail making, childhoods with freedom to roam all day, wartime events, learning to swim in the Promenade lake and much more. The recordings from our Oral History archive demonstrate the wide variety of remarkable people in Maldon who we have had the privilege of recording.
You can listen to the full recordings on this website or visit our Listening Station at the Maeldune Heritage Centre where you can hear brief extracts from a selection of recordings. The Centre is at the top of Market Hill in Maldon - CM9 4PZ.
Please be aware that the Maldon Society owns the copyright of all these recordings. Copying of any part is not permitted.
Enquiries can be sent to maldonsociety@aol.com

Three new recordings
Sarah Ford, the ’knot lady’ who sits on the quay in with her husband Richard making and selling knotted bracelets, pendants, key fobs etc.
Clare and Gillian Tait, daughters of the well-known local artist, Charlie Tait describe their Dad as always painting, being rather eccentric and living in an ‘unusual’ household.
Jean Johnson describes how employment in the town changed over time and details her time working at the Labour Exchange/Job Centre.
About the Maldon Society
Founded in 1957, the Maldon Society aims to promote and preserve the historical heritage of this town and its surrounding area by encouraging civic pride in the area and promoting co-operation with other organisations.
Protecting our heritage
The Society seeks to protect that heritage from unnecessary or harmful change, for example by keeping an eye on planning applications, particularly in the conservation areas, and by participating in local area reviews.
Sharing our history
We also share Maldon's history through oral history recordings and an image archive of photographs, videos and illustrations at the Maeldune Heritage Centre.